Filmography from : Larry Laverty
Actor :
Post Mortem, America 2021, Cameron Scott, 2013...

The film follows Franky, the prowling tom cat, and Jessica, Franky's dream girl, in a story of lust and deception, it's a twisted look at what men and women think about each other out there on the streets of life....

"A vast salvage yard, lies nestled in the woods, on the edge of a Mid-Western town. Owned and operated by a pair of sadistic, murderous brothers, the yard is a place of death and unimaginable horror. At night, the salvage yard is watched over, not by canines of the four-legged breed, but by "Dog", the owners' tormented younger brother. Warped by years of abuse at the hands of his brothers, horribly deformed by generations of in-breeding, the...

Journey to the center of a mentally ill artist's mind. Watch him murder and then convict himself of crimes against his imagination. Halloween never ends for paranoid John Willem. His uncontrollable nightmare is just beginning. He's battling the voices of good vs. evil in his head. John can't distinguish between reality, memories or dreams. His mental voices like to manifest themselves as characters in his waking life. He's sick, broke and...

Finals at the prestigious University of Dreyskill are finally over and it's time to party. "The Crew", as they are known by their peers and dorm mates, are invited to a rich classmate's hideaway mansion high up in the hills of Colorado. What was supposed to be a weekend of fun and relaxation quickly becomes a trip they will never forget... If they survive! A simple game of prank scare phone calls becomes an intense game of survival and escape...
The Hamiltons, Mitchell Altieri (as The Butcher Brothers), Phil Flores (as The Butcher Brothers), 2006
After the death of their parents, the troubled teenager Francis and the corrupt twins Wendell and Darlene are raised by their older homosexual brother David Hamilton, who sold the farm that belonged to the family. However, the sensitive and confused Francis feels misfit with his siblings and misses his parents; he spends most of his time using a camcorder to film a supposed school project. When Wendell abducts the drifters Dani Cummings and her...