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Filmography from Le Son

Filmography from : Le Son

Actor :

Starship Troopers: Traitor of Mars, Shinji Aramaki, Masaru Matsumoto, 2017
Federation trooper Johnny Rico is ordered to work with a group of new recruits on a satellite station on Mars, where giant bugs have decided to target their next attack. ...

The Devil's Nightmare, David Zagorski, 2012
Dr. Henry Rhoneberg has developed an experimental technique to completely cure people of the vices that rule their lives and has gathered a motley assortment of addicts - from an easily angered alcoholic to a rock star with a love for excess (is there any other kind?) - to a remote facility for treatment. No sooner does the group settle in before interpersonal relationships begin to conflict, people fall into bed, a mysterious stranger arrives...

The Theatre Bizarre, Douglas Buck (segment 'The Accident'), Buddy Giovinazzo (segment 'I Love You'), David Gregory (segment 'Sweets'), Karim Hussain (segment 'Vision Stains'), Jeremy Kasten (framing segments), Tom Savini (segment 'Wet Dreams'), Richard Stanley (segment 'The Mother Of Toads'), 2011
Down a seedy city street in her neighborhood, young Enola Penny is obsessed with what appears to be a long abandoned theatre. One night, she sees that the front door is slightly ajar and impulsively decides to sneak inside. But there in the dark, decrepit auditorium, a show unlike any other unfolds before her eyes. Its host is an eerie human puppet named Peg Poett who will introduce Penny to six tales of the bizarre: A couple traveling in a...

The Black Cat, Albert S Rogell, 1941
Honeymooning in Hungary, Joan and Peter Allison share their train compartment with Dr. Vitus Verdegast, a courtly but tragic man who is returning to the remains of the town he defended before becoming a prisoner of war for fifteen years. When their hotel-bound bus crashes in a mountain storm and Joan is injured, the travellers seek refuge in the home, built fortress-like upon the site of a bloody battlefield, of famed architect Hjalmar Poelzig....

The Blue Bird, Walter Lang, 1940
Mytyl and her brother Tyltyl, a woodchopper's children, are led by the Fairy Berylune on a magical trip through the past, present, and future to locate the Blue Bird of Happiness....