Filmography from : Martin Pfefferkorn
Actor :

Revolves around a monster attack in New York as told from the point of view of a small group of people....

Keane, Lodge Kerrigan, 2004
A man in his early 30s (Keane) struggles with the supposed loss of his daughter from port authority bus terminal in New York, while fighting serious battles with schizophrenia. We can never be sure if the loss is real or imaginary; or whether his overt interest in helping young girls is innocent and of a fatherly nature, or is of a darker, scarier motive. ...
Men in Black II, Barry Sonnenfeld, 2002
For Agent J, it is another day at the office, monitoring, licensing and policing all alien activity on Earth. One day, J receives a report of an unauthorized landing of an alien spacecraft near New York. It is an old enemy of MIB, a Kylothian named Surleena. Who is searching for a powerful artifact called The Light of Zartha. J investigates and quickly realizes he is going to need help. Unfortunately, the other MIB agents do not work up to par...
Spider-Man, Sam Raimi, 2002
