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MIRRORS Final Batch of Stills From Alex Ajas MIRRORS "MIRRORS" Final Batch of Stills From Alex Aja's "MIRRORS"

By on 14-08-2008

After a big push from 20th Century Fox, next week Alex Aja's "MIRRORS" arrives in theaters everywhere. The anticipation is high for this R-rated bloodfest, which stars Amy Smart, Kiefer Sutherland and Paula Patton, and we can only hope the film is half as good as it looks. Here's the final batch of images from the remake that follows a security guard at a high-end department store who...

MIRRORS Watch the Opening Scene From MIRRORS "MIRRORS" Watch the Opening Scene From "MIRRORS"

By on 11-08-2008

Here's the opening scene from "MIRRORS". Lots of blood and gore so check this one out when you get home and make sure the kids are tucked safely in their beds. This is a blood bath! In "MIRRORS", a security guard becomes wrapped up in a mystery involving a particular department store's mirrors which seem to bring out the worst in people. Mirror's stars Kiefer Sutherland,...

MIRRORS Three International MIRRORS Posters "MIRRORS" Three International "MIRRORS" Posters

By on 07-08-2008

ShockTillYouDrop.com has revealed three new international posters for 20th Century Fox's "MIRRORS", opening in theaters on August 15. Directed by Alex Aja, the horror film stars Kiefer Sutherland as a troubled ex-cop who must save his family from an unspeakable evil that is using mirrors as a gateway into their home....

MIRRORS Proof That Alex Ajas MIRRORS Will Be a Massive Gorefest "MIRRORS" Proof That Alex Aja's "MIRRORS" Will Be a Massive Gorefest!

By on 23-07-2008

After the initial teaser trailer, the studio has launched an all-out campaign to prove to us that the movie will in fact be bloody as all hell. Today we've been provided with a new still featuring star Amy Smart in a bloodbath - literally. The story follows a security guard at a high-end department store who begins to investigate mysterious deaths occurring in front of the stores' mirrors. He...

MIRRORS MIRRORS - New photos clips  Trailer "MIRRORS" "MIRRORS" - New photos, clips & Trailer !

By on 19-06-2008

Here's some news pictures from Alexandre Aja's "MIRRORS" with Kiefer Sutherland. Moreover, you will also find 2 featurettes with Alexandre Aja Interview and the new international trailer, longer and gorier than the first one. Clip #1 "Mood" Behind The Scenes With Alexandre Aja 1 VO Behind The Scenes With Alexandre Aja 2 VO International Trailer ...

MIRRORS New Stills From Ajas MIRRORS "MIRRORS" New Stills From Aja's "MIRRORS"

By on 29-05-2008

Alexandre Aja has been a director that everyone has been keeping a keen eye on. Especially because he managed to make a remake worth watching. Now he has moved on to "MIRRORS". In the film a security guard becomes wrapped up in a mystery involving a particular department store's mirrors which seem to bring out the worst in people. Today two new images from the film appeared online...

MIRRORS Alexandre Ajas MIRRORS "MIRRORS" Alexandre Aja's "MIRRORS"

By on 21-04-2008

Below is the very first official pix from the upcoming remake from the director of "HAUTE TENSION". Kiefer Sutherland stars as a security guard investigating a series of murders in the mall he's supposed to be guarding, of of which take place in front of the store's display windows. MIRRORS is a remake of the 2003 Korean film "INTO THE MIRROR", which was written and directed by...

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