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Filmography from Robert Iscove

Filmography from : Robert Iscove

Director :

Firestarter: Rekindled, Robert Iscove (2 episodes, 2002), 0
Charlie McGee is a young woman with the unwanted and often uncontrollable gift of pyrokinesis, lighting fires by mere thought. Charlie has been in hiding for nearly all her life from a top-secret government fringe group headed by the maniacal John Rainbird, who wants to find and use Charlie as the ultimate weapon of war. Vincent is a young private investigator unwittingly sent to look for Charlie, and evenutally tries to help her escape from...

Star Trek: The Next Generation, Cliff Bole (25 episodes, 1987-1994), Les Landau (21 episodes, 1987-1994), Winrich Kolbe (16 episodes, 1988-1994), Rob Bowman (13 episodes, 1987-1990), Robert Scheerer (11 episodes, 1989-1993), Robert Wiemer (8 episodes, 1989-1994), Jonathan Frakes (8 episodes, 1990-1994), Gabrielle Beaumont (7 episodes, 1989-1994), Alexander Singer (6 episodes, 1992-1994), Corey Allen (5 episodes, 1987-1994), Paul Lynch (5 episodes, 1987-1992), Patrick Stewart (5 episodes, 1991-1994), Joseph L Scanlan (4 episodes, 1988-1989), David Carson (4 episodes, 1989-1992), Chip Chalmers (4 episodes, 1990-1992), James L Conway (3 episodes, 1987-1993), Robert Becker (2 episodes, 1988), Timothy Bond (2 episodes, 1989-1990), Tom Benko (2 episodes, 1990-1991), Robert Legato (2 episodes, 1990-1991), David Livingston (2 episodes, 1991-1992), Peter Lauritson (2 episodes, 1992-1993), Robert Lederman (2 episodes, 1992-1993), Adam Nimoy (2 episodes, 1992-1993), LeVar Burton (2 episodes, 1993-1994), Richard A Colla (1 episode, 1987), Richard Compton (1 episode, 1987), Russ Mayberry (1 episode, 1987), Kim Manners (1 episode, 1988), Win Phelps (1 episode, 1988), Michael Ray Rhodes (1 episode, 1988), Michael Vejar (1 episode, 1988), Robert Iscove (1 episode, 1989), Larry Shaw (1 episode, 1989), Marvin V Rush (1 episode, 1991), Dan Curry (1 episode, 1993), Gates McFadden (1 episode, 1994), Jonathan West (1 episode, 1994), 0