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THE GRAVES THE GRAVES - Official trailer launches "THE GRAVES" "THE GRAVES" - Official trailer launches

By on 25-07-2009

"THE GRAVES" TRAILER LAUNCHES: Mischiefmaker Studios and Ronalds Brother Productions are proud to present the world premiere trailer for "THE GRAVES". "THE GRAVES", the first film acquired by After Dark Films' 2010 Horrorfest: 8 Films To Die For, will premiere in theaters across the US and Canada on January 29th, 2010. "THE GRAVES" is about sisters Megan...

THE GRAVES After Dark Horrorfest 4 Announces First Film  THE GRAVES "THE GRAVES" After Dark Horrorfest 4 Announces First Film : "THE GRAVES"

By on 20-07-2009

The first addition to After Dark Horrorfest 4 was announced today by After Dark Films' CEO Courtney Solomon. The After Dark Horrorfest will take place January 29, 2010. The new title joining the 8 Films to Die For lineup is "THE GRAVES", written and directed by Brian Pulido. Pulido, a well known comic book writer and creator of such titles as "LADY DEATH" and "EVIL...

THE GRAVES LAMB OF GOD frontman D Randall Blythe talks THE GRAVES "THE GRAVES" LAMB OF GOD frontman, D. Randall Blythe talks "THE GRAVES"

By on 18-07-2009

An exclusive video interview with Lamb of God screamer, D. Randall Blythe can be seen on the all-new "THE GRAVES" You Tube Channel here: http://www.youtube.com/thegravesmovie "THE GRAVES" is about sisters Megan and Abby whose visit to Skull City Mine turns into a mind bending fight for survival against menaces both human, and supernatural. "We'll launch The Graves...

THE GRAVES First Footage From Pulidos THE GRAVES "THE GRAVES" First Footage From Pulido's "THE GRAVES"

By on 03-07-2009

The first footage from the upcoming horror film, "THE GRAVES" can be seen in the all-new video by horror-punk icons Calabrese. "THE GRAVES" is about sisters Megan and Abby whose visit to Skull City Mine turns into a mind bending fight for survival against menaces both human, and supernatural. "We'll launch The Graves official trailer on July 20th, right before Comicon...

THE GRAVES Acclaimed Marvel Zombie Cover Illustrator Paints THE GRAVES Movie Poster "THE GRAVES" Acclaimed Marvel Zombie Cover Illustrator Paints "THE GRAVES" Movie Poster

By on 24-05-2009

Just in time for its bow at Cannes film market, Mischief Maker Studios and Ronalds Brothers Productions proudly unveil "THE GRAVES" movie poster, painted by acclaimed Illustrator Arthur Suydam. “Arthur is in a league onto himself,” says "THE GRAVES" writer/director, Brian Pulido. “He is a master draftsman who first came onto the comics scene in the 1970's. His work on...

THE GRAVES Brian Pulido Unleashes THE GRAVES Website On The World "THE GRAVES" Brian Pulido Unleashes "THE GRAVES" Website On The World

By on 01-04-2009

The official site for Brian Pulido's feature film debut, "THE GRAVES" is now live. Pulido, the man behind the creation of comics' Evil Ernie and Lady Death, makes his feature horror film debut in association with Ronalds Brothers Productions. The cast includes Clare Grant ("MASTERS OF HORROR"), Jillian Murray ("THE FUN PARK"), Bill Moseley ("H2", "TEXAS...

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