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X-Men: Days of Future PastVideo


INFO | REVIEW(S) | PHOTOS (155) | NEWS (5) | DVDS | VIDEOS (16)
 - Trailer  (Français)
Trailer (Français)
 - Trailer  (English with french subs)
Trailer (English with french subs)
#2 - Trailer #2 (Français)
Trailer #2 (Français)

#2 - Trailer #2 (English with french subs)
Trailer #2 (English with french subs)
Finale - Trailer Finale (Français)
Trailer Finale (Français)
Finale - Trailer Finale (English with french subs)
Trailer Finale (English with french subs)

Conférence Trask - Clip Conférence Trask (English with french subs)
Clip Conférence Trask (English with french subs)
Wolverine rencontre Le Fauve - Clip Wolverine rencontre Le Fauve (English)
Clip Wolverine rencontre Le Fauve (English)
Focus Blink - Featurette Focus Blink (English)
Featurette Focus Blink (English)

Focus Colossus - Featurette Focus Colossus (English)
Featurette Focus Colossus (English)
Focus Fauve - Featurette Focus Fauve (English)
Featurette Focus Fauve (English)
Focus Iceberg - Featurette Focus Iceberg (English)
Featurette Focus Iceberg (English)

Focus Magneto - Featurette Focus Magneto (English)
Featurette Focus Magneto (English)
Focus Tornade - Featurette Focus Tornade (English)
Featurette Focus Tornade (English)
Focus Vif-Argent - Featurette Focus Vif-Argent (English)
Featurette Focus Vif-Argent (English)

Trask Industries - Viral Trask Industries (English)
Viral Trask Industries (English)

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