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#I - B-Roll #I (English)
B-Roll #I (English)
#II - B-Roll #II (English)
B-Roll #II (English)
#III - B-Roll #III (English)
B-Roll #III (English)

#IV - B-Roll #IV (English)
B-Roll #IV (English)
Avatar Day - B-Roll Avatar Day (English)
B-Roll Avatar Day (English)
#2 - Trailer #2 (Français)
Trailer #2 (Français)

#4 - Trailer #4 (English)
Trailer #4 (English)
#B - Trailer #B (Japanese)
Trailer #B (Japanese)
Special Edition - Trailer Special Edition (English)
Trailer Special Edition (English)

Collector's Edition - Bande-Annonce DVD Collector's Edition (English)
Bande-Annonce DVD Collector's Edition (English)
Drums of War - Clip Drums of War (English)
Clip Drums of War (English)
Intentionally Screwing Me - Clip Intentionally Screwing Me (English)
Clip Intentionally Screwing Me (English)

What Happened - Clip What Happened (English)
Clip What Happened (English)
Art Reel - DVD Bonus Art Reel (English)
DVD Bonus Art Reel (English)
#I - DVD TV Spot #I (English)
DVD TV Spot #I (English)

#II - DVD TV Spot #II (English)
DVD TV Spot #II (English)
III - DVD TV Spot III (English)
DVD TV Spot III (English)
Acting in Volume - Featurette Acting in Volume (English)
Featurette Acting in Volume (English)

Bones Promo - Featurette Bones Promo (English)
Featurette Bones Promo (English)
Cameron on Extended Collector's Edition - Featurette Cameron on Extended Collector's Edition (English)
Featurette Cameron on Extended Collector's Edition (English)
Cinemax Final Cut #I - Featurette Cinemax Final Cut #I (English)
Featurette Cinemax Final Cut #I (English)

Cinemax Final Cut #II - Featurette Cinemax Final Cut #II (English)
Featurette Cinemax Final Cut #II (English)
Col. Quaritch - Featurette Col. Quaritch (English)
Featurette Col. Quaritch (English)
Comic-Con Panel - Featurette Comic-Con Panel (English)
Featurette Comic-Con Panel (English)

Dr. Grace Augustine - Featurette Dr. Grace Augustine (English)
Featurette Dr. Grace Augustine (English)
Extended - Pandora - Featurette Extended - Pandora (English)
Featurette Extended - Pandora (English)
Global Press Featurettes - Featurette Global Press Featurettes (English)
Featurette Global Press Featurettes (English)

iTunes Extras Special Edition - Featurette iTunes Extras Special Edition (English)
Featurette iTunes Extras Special Edition (English)
Jake Sully - Featurette Jake Sully (English)
Featurette Jake Sully (English)
JKL - James Cameron - Featurette JKL - James Cameron (English)
Featurette JKL - James Cameron (English)

Making A Scene (extended) - Featurette Making A Scene (extended) (English)
Featurette Making A Scene (extended) (English)
MSNBC - James Cameron - Featurette MSNBC - James Cameron (English)
Featurette MSNBC - James Cameron (English)
Na'vi Language - Featurette Na'vi Language (English)
Featurette Na'vi Language (English)

Neytiri - Featurette Neytiri (English)
Featurette Neytiri (English)
NFL on FOX - Featurette NFL on FOX (English)
Featurette NFL on FOX (English)
Performance Capture - Featurette Performance Capture (English)
Featurette Performance Capture (English)

Samson - Featurette Samson (English)
Featurette Samson (English)
Selfridge - Featurette Selfridge (English)
Featurette Selfridge (English)
Take Action to Defend Pandoras on Earth - Featurette Take Action to Defend Pandoras on Earth (English)
Featurette Take Action to Defend Pandoras on Earth (English)

Talking About Avatar - Featurette Talking About Avatar (English)
Featurette Talking About Avatar (English)
The AMP Suit - Featurette The AMP Suit (English)
Featurette The AMP Suit (English)
The Banshee - Featurette The Banshee (English)
Featurette The Banshee (English)

The Scorpion - Featurette The Scorpion (English)
Featurette The Scorpion (English)
The Story - Featurette The Story (English)
Featurette The Story (English)
Thenator - Featurette Thenator (English)
Featurette Thenator (English)

Tree of souls - Featurette Tree of souls (English)
Featurette Tree of souls (English)
Trudy Chacon - Featurette Trudy Chacon (English)
Featurette Trudy Chacon (English)
I See You - Music Video I See You (English)
Music Video I See You (English)

(Collector's Edition) Holiday  (Extended) - TV Spot (Collector's Edition) Holiday  (Extended) (English)
TV Spot (Collector's Edition) Holiday (Extended) (English)
Avatar Day - TV Spot Avatar Day (English)
TV Spot Avatar Day (English)
Avatar Day II - TV Spot Avatar Day II (English)
TV Spot Avatar Day II (English)

Collector's Edition - TV Spot Collector's Edition (English)
TV Spot Collector's Edition (English)
Destiny - TV Spot Destiny (Japanese)
TV Spot Destiny (Japanese)
Discovery - TV Spot Discovery (Japanese)
TV Spot Discovery (Japanese)

Fighting for Survival - TV Spot Fighting for Survival (English)
TV Spot Fighting for Survival (English)
Making History - TV Spot Making History (English)
TV Spot Making History (English)
Making History II - TV Spot Making History II (English)
TV Spot Making History II (English)

NBA Finals - TV Spot NBA Finals (English)
TV Spot NBA Finals (English)
Next Generation of 3D - TV Spot Next Generation of 3D (English)
TV Spot Next Generation of 3D (English)
Recruitment - TV Spot Recruitment (Japanese)
TV Spot Recruitment (Japanese)

Second Chance - TV Spot Second Chance (English)
TV Spot Second Chance (English)
Pandora Briefing - Viral Pandora Briefing (English)
Viral Pandora Briefing (English)

Be careful, every litigious comments will be deleted.
Big Dad Guy - /08/03 at 04:29
# 1

What is with this uncredited nonsense? If someone is in the movie, they are in the movie. Did the producers run out of letters?

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