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Filmography from Earl Mac Rauch

Filmography from : Earl Mac Rauch

Writer :

The Adventures of Buckaroo Banzai Across the 8th Dimension, WD Richter, 1984
Adventurer/surgeon/rock musician Buckaroo Banzai and his band of men, the Hong Kong Cavaliers, take on evil alien invaders from the 8th dimension....

A Stranger Is Watching, Sean S Cunningham, 1982
Three years after the brutal rape and murder of a woman in front of her 8 year old daughter, Julie, that man is about to be sentenced to death. But when the now eleven year old and her father's girlfriend Sharon are kidnapped all eyes turn to who might have done this and how. Julie and Sharon are held in the muck of NYC's underground, helpless and unable to escape the frightening clutches of a madman. ...