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"IRON MAN 2" Stan Lee Joins "IRON MAN" Sequel


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By Oh My Gore ! on June 29, 2009

Stan Lee Joins "IRON MAN" Sequel

IRON MAN 2 Stan Lee Joins IRON MAN Sequel Marvel Comics icon Stan Lee is tipped to play legendary interviewer Larry King in the upcoming Jon Favreau's "IRON MAN 2" reports Nuke the Fridge.

Appearing as King, Lee will apparently interview Tony Stark on Larry King Live and will question Stark on his latest innovations. Specifically this will include Stark's new "modified 'black' Iron Man suit"

The casting is a larger than usual role for Lee who only cameos in Marvel films. Lee seemed to be playing Playboy creator Hugh Hefner in the first "Iron Man" film.

French Release : 2010-04-28 | US Release : 2010-04-26

Source : darkhorizons.com / cinema-france.net

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