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Filmography from Jess Elgene

Filmography from : Jess Elgene

Actor :

Bad Kids Go to Hell, Matthew Spradlin, 2012
The Breakfast Club” meets “The Grudge” in this sexy, dark-comedy thriller. Six private school high school kids find themselves stuck in detention on a frightfully dark and stormy Saturday afternoon. During their 8 hour incarceration, each of the six kids falls victim to a horrible “accident” until only one of them remains....

Stranger Things, Matt Duffer (24 episodes, 2016-2025), Ross Duffer (24 episodes, 2016-2025), Shawn Levy (9 episodes, 2016-2025), Andrew Stanton (2 episodes, 2017), Uta Briesewitz (2 episodes, 2019), Nimród Antal (2 episodes, 2022), Frank Darabont (2 episodes, 2025), Rebecca Thomas (1 episode, 2017), 0
In a small town where everyone knows everyone, a peculiar incident starts a chain of events that leads to the disappearance of a child - which begins to tear at the fabric of an otherwise peaceful community. Dark government agencies and seemingly malevolent supernatural forces converge on the town while a few locals begin to understand that there's more going on than meets the eye. ...