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Filmography from Leo White

Filmography from : Leo White

Actor :

The Invisible Man, James Whale, 1933
A mysterious man, whose head is completely covered in bandages, wants a room. The proprietors of the pub aren't used to making their house an inn during the winter months, but the man insists. They soon come to regret their decision. The man quickly runs out of money, and he has a violent temper besides. Worse still, he seems to be some kind of chemist and has filled his room with messy chemicals, test tubes, beakers and the like. When they try...

The Lost World, Harry O Hoyt (dramatic direction), 1925
Le professeur Challenger a un objectif : retrouver la trace d'un monde rempli d'étranges créatures décrit par l'explorateur Maples White. Pour cela, il met en chantier une expédition formée de sa fille Paula, du professeur Summerlee, du journaliste Edward Malone et de Sir John Roxton. Dix jours après leur départ, les aventuriers parviennet en pleine jungle amazonienne et découvrent un spectacle saisissant : devant eux se dresse un...