First Shots From Peter Jackson's "LOVELY BONES" !

Based on the critically acclaimed best-selling novel by Alice Sebold, the filmcenters on a young girl (Saoirse Ronan) who has been murdered and watches over her family (Mark Wahlberg, Rachel Weisz and Susan Sarandon) – and her killer (Stanley Tucci) – from heaven.
She must weigh her desire for vengeance against her desire for her family to heal.
Synopsis : A young girl has been murdered and watches over her family - and her killer - from heaven. She must weigh her desire for vengeance against her desire for her family to heal.
French Release : 2010-02-10 | US Release : 2010-02-06
Source : / Oh My Gore !
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While I usually cannot stand movies made from books, I feel Peter Jackson has the best shot at making a very genuine adaptation of The Lovely Bones.
The Lovely Bones was by far one of the very best books I have ever read. It is in my top five. A few favorite classics had to be bumped it was that amazing.
I took this and several other books with me on vacation this past summer. The roller coaster of emotions was just unbelievable. Crying, laughing, infuriated & hopeful. In the end though, I had such an overwhelming sense of peace. It took me several days before I could even pick up one of my other books. This book demands thoughtful reflection.
What you get out of it is remarkable. Like the previous commentator, read the book BEFORE you see the movie. You'll understand why and be happy for it.
This book will become a favorite classic. Praise and thanks to Alice Sebold. Remarkable work.
This book is amazing. I know of no other novel written from this completely different in perspective. Although it made me cry, it also made me laugh, and smile, It is so uplifting, so very right, and so full of hope. I honestly believe that no one who has read this story will ever look at life and death in quite the same way. I am a voracious reader yet this book remains on my top 10 list of favorite books of all time.
I am not certain a film can do this book justice, and in many ways I wish a film was not being made of it. This story requires time to absorb, to mull over, to react to, and in the case of this book it is a process best done in parts. Such a process cannot be rushed. For that reason, I am not certain that a film can do this book or its message justice. I am not even sure it should be attempted. Hopefully, I will be proven wrong.
Read the book, THEN see the movie.